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Le mépris n'aura qu'un temps (French)
Main screening room
February 19th, 2024
95 min
Les restaurations de la CQ

The Quebec's Digital Cultural Plan has allowed us to deploy a program to digitize works from Quebec's audiovisual heritage. Since 2018, the Cinémathèque has digitized and restored 38 independent films. This month, we'd like to invite you to rediscover an essential film in the history of militant cinema:** Arthur Lamothe's** Le mépris n'aura qu'un temps. Initiated and produced by the CSN, the film examines the working and living conditions of Quebec workers on the eve of the 1970s, giving them a voice through a rigorous approach and bold creative form.

Hell No Longer
Directed by
Arthur Lamothe
95 min

Construction workers denounce their working and living conditions in Montreal. Produced by the CSN, in tune with the times, a political film that bears witness to Lamothe's militant cinematic practice.

Hell No Longer
Pour la première fois, le cinéma d'ici témoigne de la conscience de la classe du travailleur québécois et met en cause des responsables de notre aliénation.
Yvan Patry

Arthur Lamothe

Born in Saint-Mont, France, Arthur Lamothe immigrated to Canada in 1953. In 1954 he began studying economics at the Université de Montréal. During his time as a student he became interested in cinema and began writing for several film publications. After graduating in 1958, he was immediately hired as a writer for Radio-Canada. In 1961 he was hired by the NFB and wrote Dimanche d'Amérique, his first screenplay, which became the first film by Gilles Carle. In 1962 he directed his first film, a short documentary entitled Bûcherons de la Manouane. Lamothe has only made a handful of fiction films during his career, and he is best known and most respected for his documentaries. In his films, Lamothe most frequently explored social and economic themes, as well as activism for issues he passionately supported, especially with regard to Aboriginal people. In 1980 he was awarded the Prix Albert-Tessier and in 1995 was made a member of the Order of Canada.


Sur notre blogue

Redécouvrir Le mépris n’aura qu’un temps en version restaurée

Une mise en contexte des restaurations de films effectuées par la Cinémathèque québécoise depuis 2018 et de l'importance du film d'Arthur Lamothe en particulier.

About Arthur Lamothe

The restoration of this film is part of the implementation of a measure in Quebec's Digital Cultural Plan.