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Fantasma d'amore (French Version)
Main screening room
October 17th, 2023
96 min
Romantic ghosts

Since the heyday of Romanticism, gallant ghosts have haunted our imaginations. Sometimes troubling, sometimes amusing, they have crossed continents and eras, as well as film genres, as the films gathered here bear witness. Evanescent and elusive, these romantic ghosts are of course a source of fantasy, but they also inhabit cinema marvelously well, where they defy time, genre and mise-en-scène, between appearance and disappearance.

Fantôme d'amour
Directed by
Dino Risi
Marcello Mastroianni, Romy Schneider, Eva Maria Meineke
West Germany, France, Italy
96 min
Drama, Horror
35 mm

A man thinks he's found his childhood sweetheart by chance. Yet he learns that she died three years ago. The more he investigates, the more uncertain reality becomes.

Fantôme d'amour

Dino Risi

Dino Risi was an Italian film director. With Mario Monicelli, Luigi Comencini, Nanni Loy and Ettore Scola, he was one of the masters of Italian-style comedy. He started his career in cinema as an assistant director to cinema figures such as Mario Soldati and Alberto Lattuada. Later he began directing his own films and was credited for giving early opportunities to future acting stars such as Sophia Loren and Vittorio Gassman. His 1966 film Treasure of San Gennaro was entered into the 5th Moscow International Film Festival where it won a Silver Prize. His biggest hits were Poor, But Handsome (Poveri ma belli), followed by two sequels, which he also directed; A Difficult Life (Una vita difficile) and The Easy Life (Il sorpasso). In 2002, he was awarded the Golden Lion – Honorary Award (Leone d'oro alla carriera) at the Venice Film Festival for his life-time work. Two of his films, Il giovedì and Il commissario Lo Gatto, were shown in a retrospective section on Italian comedy at the 67th Venice International Film Festival.


A little stroll in the company of the romantic ghosts of our cycle, cinema creatures par excellence, at the crossroads of feelings, illusions and the desire for projection.

About Dino Risi