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Le chantier des possibles

Le chantier des possibles (French Version)
Fernand-Seguin screening room
September 5th, 2023
79 min
Montréal, vies de quartiers

Montreal, is a crossroads of different cultures, and neighborhoods with very different histories. Many filmmakers have recently turned their cameras on specific sectors of the city, and with this films series, we wanted to share their perspectives to understand the human richness and contemporary issues of Quebec's great metropolis.

In the presence of the director

Le chantier des possibles
Directed by
Ève Lamont
79 min

Affectionately nicknamed La Pointe, Pointe-Saint-Charles is a working-class neighborhood in southwestern Montreal that is currently being taken over by real estate developers. With luxury condo towers springing up like mushrooms on the banks of the Lachine Canal, the residents of La Pointe are threatened with exclusion by a real estate boom on a scale never seen before. The community of Pointe-Saint-Charles is hanging on to save its neighborhood and its world. Citizens banded together and put forward their own vision of urban planning, focused on social development and community projects.

Le chantier des possibles

Ève Lamont

A seasoned filmmaker and camerawoman, Ève Lamont is a free spirit who dives into the heart of often hidden social realities. Her first documentary Des Squatteureuses (1988) on women squatters in Europe, received the Audience Award at the International Women's Film Festival in Montreal. Her film SQUAT! (2002) about the occupation of a building by homeless youth, received the award for best direction for a Canadian feature documentary at the HOT DOCS documentary festival. In Pas de pays sans paysans (2005), the filmmaker meets citizens and farmers who oppose agribusiness and cultivate differently. With L'Imposture (2010), she signs an intimate documentary on women who seek to leave prostitution. This was followed by Le commerce du sexe (2015), a hard-hitting dive into the commercial sex industry. His most recent film, Le chantier des possibles (2016), tells the story of a working-class neighborhood that advocates for an alternative vision of urban development.

For more information, visit the Réalisatrices équitables website

Photo : Martine Doyon


Sur notre blogue

Notre cycle Montréal, vies de quartiers propose une promenade à travers les quartiers de l’île grâce au regard de huit cinéastes documentaires qui s’attachent à faire le portrait des lieux et des communautés qui les habitent.

Entrevue de Réalisatrices équitables avec Ève Lamont | Les dames du doc
3 histoires vraies d’Ève Lamont par Réalisatrices équitables
About Ève Lamont